Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Happy Pancake Day!

Did you make yourself some? Nutella and a bit of cream on top is seriously the best! People on Instagram already started to fight over the fact that they are crêpes and not pancakes, but here in Europe pancakes are usually thinner and larger. They don’t differ all that much from crepes, they are slightly more spongy, that’s about it (or at least that’s what I think haha).
The day started slow. I woke up early as usual, and was glad to see that the insane wind and rain of the past days have gone away. Because the weather got better, I was able to do one of the things I enjoy the most when I’m on my own – and here is where you might think I’m a weirdo…

I spy on boats!
I don’t know why I started doing it, but having a telescope and sea view, it was only logical to me. There is something fascinating about it, it makes me wonder what kind of job they were assigned, where they come from, where they are going. And so on.
I will never know the answers, probably, but it’s fun to come up with theories.
When I was a child, I used to spy on my neighbours. I would write down when they were leaving and when they were coming back. I would take notes, make up a story – mainly a crime or horror one – and keep it on my diary.
So I guess, in a way, I’ve always liked doing this kind of stuff.
So yeah, aren’t you glad you know this about me now?! haha.

Another thing I like to do when I’m having lunch or dinner alone, is to talk to Siri. She gets so easily upset, have you ever noticed? Our conversations are great. Sometimes.
Anyways. I’ve been also doing lots of reading, getting the boring work stuff done, and watched plenty of movies. I’m currently half way through the movie “Midnight in The Garden of Good and Evil”, which is based on a book I’ve read a few months back. As you might know, in October 2015 I went to Savannah and met up with my friends Bunny and Dogman. There, every tour guide mentioned the book in a way or the other, so of course I had to check it out: I did enjoy it very much, and now the time has come for me to watch the movie.

So far, I do like it, the only thing that failed at, compared to the book, is to really translate the way of living in Savannah; it’s missing all of those tiny details that made you understand how each character in the book thinks and why they are the way they are. They skipped many minor scenes that, to me, really set the book apart from the movie. But hey, I’m going to keep watching it, it surely is enjoyable!
Don’t forget to eat your pancakes, Marzia.

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