Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Felix left this morning.

I’m inviting a friend over for a few days, but I will still have about 5 days to spend on my own. I don’t mind it at all, I love focusing on my work, pampering myself and chilling with the pugs – what I don’t love so much is that, being accustomed to live with somebody on my side for so long, any time Felix leaves all the responsibility is on me: cleaning, getting food, taking care of the pugs, letters, bills… everything. Which still, is fine, for the most part.
It was a promising day, I woke up early to say bye to Felix. The sun came out, it looked stunning. I got most work done, even the boring stuff.
The day was going well.

I decide to take a break and snack on a “hard-bread sandwich”: first mistake of the day. As I bite onto it, I feel something strange with my tooth; the wire behind my teeth broke. If you didn’t know, I had clear braces for about 9 months and now have the bonded retainer in the back.
Now, usually I would be fairly okay with this, I just need to make my way to London and get it fixed, the problem is that I can’t leave the pugs alone, and Felix isn’t back until next week. I’m sure I will figure something out in the end, but this was just the beginning…
I wanted to release some of the stress by going on a longer walk with the puggies. It was a wonderful day outside, after all.
I get ready, prepare the pugs, and make my way out. We reach the beach, where they love to run around, and so I let them. After about 5 minutes I notice that Edgar is walking strangely, he seems to be in pain. I lift him up and see a giant seashell stuck to his paw: I try to get it off but it’s really deep in there.
I start to panic, not really knowing what to do.
Suddenly, I see a couple walking by with a big dog and force myself to ask for help – if you have social anxiety, you can understand how horrifying it is to talk to strangers – but I did it, and I’m glad, because the man was able to get it out by pulling at once with strength, which is something I wouldn’t have been able to do.
Edgar cried a bit, but no blood; he is fine now, sleeping in my lap as I write this post.

The final thing to add up to this mess, is that Maya has an upset stomach today, which means she is leaving wonderful gifts all over the house.

I was basically having a great day… until it all went wrong.
But hey, there is still half day ahead, and I want to leave all of this behind; to do so I need to get my head off of it by watching something. Any suggestion on series or movies I could check out on Netflix?
Thanks for keeping me company, Marzia.

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