Sunday, January 31, 2016


I was in Tokyo, Shinjuku Station to be exact, when I first noticed their presence.
I don’t know why I was walking down there, in the mall section, on my own – probably because of the need of more Sanrio characters in my life.
I look up, behind me, and I see this tiny box floating around. It’s quite far from me so I can’t make out what exactly is yet, the only thing I find strange is how it’s moving in the air, towards me. As I make it out of the station, out in the fresh air, I’m surrounded by a crowd. Everybody is constantly moving, there is no time to stop, but as I try to walk on the side while getting pushed around by other people, I spot something high up in the sky: the box is there, and it’s definitely following me.
I squint to get a better look at it: one side is open, allowing me to see what’s in there. Some tiny evil looking creatures (but pretty cute to be honest) are staring at me, standing on a fluffy cloud. I check to see if other people noticed it as well, but I appear to be the only one; nobody is stopping, while I’m now still, in the middle of a busy road, looking at these micro-monsters.

                                        …and then I wake up.
I always have strange dreams I like to share with people, but usually by the time I meet up with someone the thought is gone, so now I get to write it down and sketch it out.
I know it’s a random post, but hopefully you don’t mind, and if you do have interesting dreams to share please go ahead, I would love to read about them.
Happy Sunday, Marzia.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


I did it! I actually did it!
I have wanted to do it for so long, but was too afraid because I know nothing about blogging. But hey, I’m gonna try at least.

After spending hours to figure out how to put something together, Felix and I decided to go for a walk with “the puggies”. You know it’s real when Maya wears her hoodie.
I also wanted to point out how pretty yet unusual Brighton is… you never know what you are going to see. But today I found a toy car, very cool.
Anyway, this is just a quick post to say thank you for stopping by, and announcing that I will be writing about anything here, hopefully pretty often (if I get the hang of it). If you have any tips for me to get started, please do let me know!
 Have a wonderful weekend, Marzia.