Friday, April 22, 2016


And so are my relatives and family friends.
It’s not the first time my parents come to visit, but they never brought anyone else before. This means: pressure. And also, madness!
When you move out of your parents’ house and find your own place, it’s critical to have their approval and show them that you can take care of yourself and your living space, so any time they come around, I try my best to make the flat feel extra nice.
This time, as I stated, other people are coming as well, which means I not only want the place to look great, but I want my parents to be proud of me.
Well, this morning I realised how much work I had to do to! The flat was a mess, which usually doesn’t happen often, but because both Felix and I have been running around everywhere lately, the time to keep it tidy was little.
And so I rolled up my sleeves, and spent the entire day, up until a few hours ago, re-painting, cleaning and decorating everything.
Now I’m finally done, and since I went through all of that effort, I thought I would show you some pictures of the place! You always request me to do a house tour, which honestly I don’t know if I ever will do it… but for now, you get to look into my home, which is still better than nothing.
Here is kitchen, almost squeaky clean! In fact, I still have to do some dishes because I’m baking a cake. It’s okay, it’s worth it, because now the scent of lemon and coconut is in each room. I absolutely love coming back home and being able to smell the delicious dessert I had been making hours earlier!
Even the living room is not 100% ready yet, because as you can tell that mirror is on the floor and not up on the wall. But that’s actually perfect, because tomorrow morning my dad will take care of it, and finally, even this room, will be completed!
I wish I took a “before shot” of my office, because it was seriously a mess. It may still look messy, but this is such an improvement! It’s nice to see it somewhat tidy for once, although I know it won’t last for long…
And here is the bedroom! As you can tell, this got a lot cleaner. I actually changed bedsheets even if I put the last ones on just a few days ago; I needed everything to look perfect for the guests.
I feel like this post makes me look like a crazy person. I’m usually not a neat freak, I’m pretty messy (Felix will confirm) but I always like to make everything nice when I have people over.
SO. How did I do?
I’m so incredibly tired that I might just go to sleep now. The main reason why I made this post was to chat a bit with you as I’m going to be busy during the weekend. But don’t worry, I will be back next week!
Have a lovely weekend, Marzia.

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