Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I tried something…
I absolutely LOVE Nutella, so much that today I realised my jar was empty. I was just done eating lunch and needed something sweet, but my cupboards are empty, so I decided to try and make a Nutella replacement. I think this would work great if you are vegan, but even if you are not, as it tastes very nice!

Here are the ingredients and measurements I used. I was making this without following a recipe or knowing exactly what I was doing, so I started by putting the hazelnut butter in first, then I added cocoa powder, sugar, and mixed everything together.
I tasted it and, well, it was very… intense. So I added more butter and more sugar. I kept mixing and adding until I got the flavour and consistency I liked. I almost decided to stop there, but I then decided to try and add agave to the mix.
I recently tasted it for the first time, and it’s so nice! I see why people use it as a honey replacer. I don’t really think Nutella has anything like this in it, but adding it actually made a pretty big difference: not only it made the spread sweeter, but it even gave it the perfect consistency (I added 2 tablespoons).
I toasted some bread and gave it a go: it was delicious!
Now, I love my Nutella, and this isn’t exactly the same thing (less sweet, thicker but much healthier) but I truly enjoyed eating it and I’m actually craving more. I liked it, way more than I thought I would while I was making it, so I decided to share this quick recipe just in case any of you wants to give it a go.
Have you ever tried it before?

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