Wednesday, May 18, 2016


And hanging.

I have been wanting to try indoor climbing for a little while, and today, I gave it a go!

I was aware that it probably was harder than it looked and that’s why I waited, but I figured  that now that I have been going regularly to the gym for a few months, my body should be strong enough to at least try.
When I entered the complex, I was given paper to sign saying that I understood the risk of this sport. Then an instructor explained to me and Felix the basics.
After that, we were free to stay as long as we liked and have fun – a pretty good deal considering that we paid £12 each but had an entire room for us and could stay until closing time.
Starting off, even just climbing a few rocks seemed like a difficult task, but eventually I got more confident and managed to make my way up. I could only move on the easiest rocks (each colour is a different level) but reaching the top made me feel incredibly proud.
Felix was super chill and going up and down to him seemed to be pretty easy, but he definitely found it challenging at times as well.
And here we are together, racing each other. I realised I get a bit panicky when I reach a certain hight, probably because it hits me that I could die if I let go and look down to see how high up I am.
Tip: don’t do that!
Either way, I tried  my best, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I went again.
This might seem like a simple thing, but to me it was a goal I wanted to achieve (I even included it in my “May Notes”, so expect a video soon so you can see me in action).
The thing is, I have always been so bad at physical activities that going to the gym on a regular basis, seeing results in terms of strength and stamina, and now bringing myself to do this, makes me really happy, because I went out of my way to try something new and somewhat scary that turned out to be very enjoyable!
Is there anything you want to try but are afraid to? I can think of many things on my side, but for now I’m happy I got to scratch one out of the list.



  1. The day you shared this post I turned 12 and my parents took me to an adventure park and me too did climbing there.☺️
