Friday, May 6, 2016


I know. I know. I already posted a recipe not long ago, but this one got me too excited!
 I was thinking about the foods I miss the most eating, the ones that sell in Italy but not here, in England, and Sofficini has always been one of them. They are this little “pouches” covered in breadcrumbs and stuffed with many different things: my personal favourites are mushrooms and mozzarella.
It was dinner time, and since Felix is still away, I had enough time to experiment with this dish. I wasn’t expecting to be able to make it from scratch, also considering that I have not seen or followed a recipe for this… but it turned out great!!
So the very first thing to do is to make the paste: I used 1 medium egg and 1 cup of regular flour. That’s it.
I mixed it together, at first with a spoon, but then as it got harder, I used my hands to make a little ball. I used a rolling pin to flatten it and cut out two circular shapes. I was only able to make two, but later on, after cooking it, I realised the paste was a bit thick, so if you have the strength for it, try to make it as thin as possible, so that you can not only make more, but get a better result later.
I then moved on to stuffing: I cut into tiny pieces two big mushrooms as well as a regular size mozzarella. I didn’t manage to fit everything in, but then again if you do make more paste you will be able to use it all up, and if not you can still eat it on the side.
I basically put some of each in the middle of my circle-paste and then folded it in half. I used the back of a fork to close the edges properly.
The last step left before cooking, is to “bathe” them in a beaten egg to then let the breadcrumbs stick to the paste.
Note that I mixed some sea salt to the breadcrumbs for flavour.
You can now let them cook on a low flame for 20 minutes, turning them every 5 minutes.
And then they are done!
If the crust is golden and the mozzarella is melting, you did it right!
I’m so happy I managed to make these, as I have been missing them so much, and although they aren’t exactly the same, they are incredibly similar. I have to say, I’m pretty proud of myself! I even send photos of them to my friends and family, just so they could see that I managed to make them at home.
Have you ever eaten anything similar? If you do try this recipe, please let me know!
Aaaaah I still feel so accomplished. They were so delicious. I’m so satisfied.
Okay. I’m going to stop now.

Hope you will like them!!


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